Are You A Woman Entrepreneur?
PowHER Network celebrates women that have followed their dreams and turned their passion into successful businesses.  Each week we will...

How To Finish Unfinished Business
The question is…where do you get stuck? Is it at the crossroads of fear of completing a project…and of it not being perfect or accepted?...

10 Random Thoughts For Celebrating Life
1. Celebration is a marker. We celebrate on birthdays and anniversaries and weddings, and for promotions, graduations, and religious...

The Energy of Empowering Language
Centering Thought Empowering language indicates intention and desire. ------------------------------------ It's an eye-opener to realize...

PowHER Network - Moving Women Entrepreneurs Fast Forward
Our mission is to build mutually beneficial programs for corporations and entrepreneur women within our network to move women entrepreneurs

Good Intentions in Parenting… and the Road to Hell and Back
Centering Thought Be aware and proactive. ---------------------------- "If I only knew then what I know now." I can't tell you how many...

Honey, I Shrunk the Kid (Her Motivation, That Is)
Centering Thought Words can build up or tear down. Use them wisely. --------------------------- “Four As and a B- in math. That’s a...

Feeling Like a Failure? Don't - It's Only a Feeling
Centering Thought Failure is simply not reaching a desired goal. That's it. -------------------- Too many of us go through life...

Feng Shui A Garden That’s Perfect for You
Centering Thought A garden is the perfect way to become one with nature. As you align with the elements you most resonate, your garden...

An Inspiring Life Lies Outside Your Comfort Zone
Centering Thought This isn't about your achievements. It's about who you are and how you show up in life. ------------------------- We...