Embrace - one woman's journey to inspire everyBODY
It was 9:18pm on a Sunday night in April 2013 when Taryn Brumfitt from Adelaide, Australia, a wife and mother of three, posted this photo on Facebook.

One was Taryn on stage in a bikini at a bodybuilding contest a year before, when she decided to lose the weight from her pregnancies by working out to compete in bodybuilding. The other was taken a year and a half later, after she stopped weight training and her body went back to a normal weight.
The point of her posting this photo was to say how much more she loved herself in the second shot. Taryn said, “I loved how I looked in the second shot — I saw a sexy, confident woman. I thought it would be good to share the photos with my friends – to make the point that you can feel good about the ways in which your body changes”.
Needless to say the post went viral. Within 2 weeks it had more than 3.6 million views and nearly 20,000 people shared it - and her life had changed forever.
Without knowing it, Taryn had started a movement about body image and embracing who you are.
She knew there was more work to be done in sharing her story so she signed up on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter to raise funds for a documentary to discover why women hate their bodies. Here is the campaign trailer she created to raise money for her documentary.
She traveled to eight countries including America, the U.K., and the Dominican Republic – and interviewed a couple of hundred people. It took two years of filming and editing and millions of people – including celebrities - shared the movement through grassroots support to make it all happen.
“I made Embrace for women to feel empowered to make a change, to understand they can make a choice. They can be at war with their body, or they can embrace it and experience all life has to offer.”
The body image movement is a powerful force for global awareness and healing. If you were not able to make the March 1st screening in Ramsey, NJ (SOLD OUT), PowHER Network will be hosting another screening on Thursday, April 20th at the Bow Tie Warner Theater in Ridgewood.
New Screening for Embrace - Thursday, April 20th
Bow Tie Warner Theater, 190 East Ridgewood Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ
Time: 7:30PM
I would like to thank Melanie Struble and Jen Kraft at The Body Image Boutique in Saddle River, NJ and Kula for Karma for supporting the movement and hosting the SOLD OUT screening of Embrace on March 1, 2017 at the Ramsey Theater in NJ.
If you would like to host a screening, or would like to find other locations that are featuring Embrace, please click here. If you are interested in finding out more about the themes in the movie for your children, click here for a Parental Guide to Embrace.
THANK YOU Taryn for your courage to speak up and share your story.

Jennifer Marchetti, Founder/Owner of PowHER Network and Ridgewood Moms Media Group, is an entrepreneur, “start-up junkie” and inspirational speaker. She is an online business expert, ideal marketer and a master at creating action plans for personal, professional and community growth for women. She was recently interviewed on CBS News for the power of the Ridgewood Moms community. She has also been featured on FOXNews, WB11 and featured in Parents, People, Pregnancy, BabyTalk, The Bergen Record, The Star Ledger, The Ridgewood News, The Internet Mommy and Women of Personality, received celebrity exposure and featured in over 200 print and online media outlets.